Hello and Welcome to Provident Home Design!

My name is Tamara and I am a sucker for all things home, but especially for ways to make your home BEAUTIFUL without breaking the bank!

Provident Home Design



 Here you will DISCOVER:

Decorating 101 Lessons (learn how to put together a well designed home)

Paint Tips and Tutorials (paint works magic time and time again)

Furniture and Home Decor Tutorials and Plans (no worries if you’ve never used a tool I’ll walk you through it)

Inspirational Interior Design Photos (the more you study beautiful spaces the more equip you are to create one)

– Some of the Room Makeovers I’ve completed (which always includes budget-friendly ideas)

Money Saving Tips I’ve Learned along the Way!



I hope you will enjoy your time here and be inspired!  If you want to follow along via email notification (I usually post about once a week) you can sign up in the sidebar!

You can also follow me at  Pinterest/Instagram/Bloglovin/RSS

If you ever have any questions please feel free to contact me at providenthomedesign@gmail.com!:-)


Thank you for being here and hope you leave feeling inspired!!




  1. Lisa says:

    I saw your post about growing grass from seed, on Pinterest. You are a creative writer and I appreciate you sharing, and I will now be reading your archives!
    My question is, do you mind sharing what part of the country, or what zone you live in? I am in Houston TX and I think fescue is more of a cool weather grass… Sodding is so expensive here, and every other neighbor seems to have bare patches this year.
    Thanks for any help you might offer. I thought it was worth a shot to ask.

    1. Thanks for reaching out, Lisa! I live in central Ohio. We get all 4 seasons here which includes a hot, humid Summer (although I’m sure it doesn’t compare to Houston humidity). The trick really is watering it religiously twice a day for the first two weeks. I think it would be worth the experiment. If you end up trying it feel free to let us know how it went! Happy grass growing!:-)

  2. Aline MARY says:

    I love your blue bathroom for kids.
    Could you tell me where I can find a large washbasin for two. I live in south France.
    Best regards.

    1. Thank you, Aline, I really wish I could help but I don’t have access to what’s available in France. Thanks for inquiring though.:-)

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