One of my favorite kitchen updates is adding glass to cabinet doors! Why is it one of my favorites? Because, boy, can it change a kitchen from Ehh to Wowza! Oh, and because in most cases it’s super easy and inexpensive to do.
Glass in cabinets transforms a 2D kitchen into a 3D, forging a sense of spaciousness and interest.
It also establishes an inviting ambience as glass naturally “invites” a person into what is inside of it. Let’s do an experiment. It will be fun, trust me.:-) Hold your hand up to the glass cabinets below so that you can’t see them. Look at the room without the glass cabinets and notice the vibe of the room. Now take your hand away and see if the vibe changed for you. It does for me. When I took my hand away, the kitchen all of a sudden went from saying “hi there” to ” Hello, come on in, and make yourself at home!” You didn’t know kitchens could talk did you?
Unfortunately, the very thing that makes glass in cabinets wonderful is also its greatest downfall to some people. I have heard countless individuals tell me that they would never have glass cabinets because they don’t have anything “nice” to display in them. Well, hopefully, this post will debunk this reasoning.
I for one, am definitely in the stage of life of ugly, mismatch “kids cups” and kids craft stuff oozing out of precious cabinet space. However, I believe so much in the power for good that even one glass cabinet can make, that I’ve made it work. You could too! What you can do is take your matching set of plates and your matching set of bowls (if you don’t have any I have found some pretty kitchen ware at the dollar store believe it or not) and put them in your glass cabinet. Now add a few decorative bowls and maybe a set glasses.
It’s that easy! The point of kitchen glass cabinets is not to showcase a special china set (although if you had one you could) or any other amazing item. The point of kitchen glass cabinets is to allow the glass to create more space and dimension and hence interest and beauty to the room. So basically you could store your socks in the kitchen glass cabinet and the glass would still be serving its purpose. Okay, so maybe the socks would be a stinky idea but you get the drift.
So, do you want to see what’s in my glass cabinet (why does this sound like such an intimate question)? 🙂

I also put glass in my cabinets when I lived in the condo. It was a small space and you wouldn’t believe how much it helped expand and modernize that kitchen. You can see for yourself (granted the after has a new countertop and painted cabinets but the glass was the most responsible for opening up the space).
Condo Kitchen Before

Condo Kitchen After

If you can’t give up a whole cabinet to glass, do you have a half cabinet or a smaller sized one? Even mini cabs look great with glass and enhance a kitchen’s warmth.
So, if you are looking for a fairly easy, budget-friendly way to create a more beautiful, high-end looking kitchen, installing glass in your cabinets (or at least one cabinet) has got your number! Come back on Monday to get the step by step tutorial on how to install glass in your kitchen cabinet doors!
I went to Lowe’s to buy the glass and the sales lady criticized me for not buying tempered glass for the glass inserts in my cabinets. So I did not buy it. Do you think tempered glass is necessary? I love your kitchen blog.
Hi Kay! Im sorry you had to deal with a overly cautious sales lady. I have done this in two of my kitchens now and have never used tempered glass and have never had any of my glass cabinets break. I don’t think tempered glass is necessary at all! Thanks for being here!:-)
I need french paned glass inserts in my cabinets. Where can I find them?