family parenthood reflections

Happy Imperfect Mother’s Day!:-)

How was your Mommy’s Day??? Did you get spoiled?


(Credit: Bettmann/CORBIS)


Don’t worry neither did I!  🙂  I think it’s hard as a mom to feel completely spoiled because there are still diapers to change, mouths to feed, and hearts to console.  I never truly feel spoiled on Mother’s day but BLESSED, oh yes always!

I’m not a perfect Mom and the more I talk to women the more I realize that we all feel like there is more we could do and things we would like to change about how we are mothering.

Recently I saw a mom in Homegoods who was enjoying shopping with her two young kids (yes, effortlessly shopping with young kids at Homegoods!!!) .  As she perused  the aisles her two little girls (about 5 and 3 yrs of age) quietly looked at books in the back of the cart.

First I thought WOW how lucky is that!  But then I started thinking man,  why haven’t I ever thought of bringing books?  And if I brought books I doubt my kids would want to read them or look at them.  I’m such a loser mom, I haven’t instilled the love of reading and books at a young age like that mom!

It is so EASY to compare our weaknesses with another mother’s strengths.  But just because it is easy doesn’t mean it’s right!

You are a unique mother!  We all are!  And I’m going to guess we each had a unique mother as well.  We can’t expect that each one of us will mother in the same way or be good at the same things.

Yesterday a friend posted on Facebook a worksheet her daughter had filled out about her at school.  It made statements for the kids to finish like “My mom enjoys…..”  and “My mom is good at…..”.  The last item stated “My mom is special because….”.  The daughter’s answer was classic “because she loves me very much.”

That is truly what makes us special to our children!

I think the most important thing we can do as mother’s is to express sincere love to our children in both word  (saying I love you) and action ( hugs, a thoughtful  compliment, or a kind act).  I truly believe if we focus on doing this daily and if we are also praying for our children then we are doing the most important things we can do.

If you are like me there are ups and downs in the course of mothering your child (heck there are plenty of ups and downs in even a course of a day).  But I believe if we keep striving to find ways to let our children know and feel of our love for them then we will have succeeded!

I came across an awesome article after writing this post.  It is entitled “Memo to Imperfect Moms” by Sarah Novac (pictured below).  She basically nails what I’m trying to say in this post but does it much more eloquently! 🙂

Sarah Kovac, 30, is a speaker, author and freelance journalist. She was born with a disorder called <a href='' target='_blank'>arthrogryposis multiplex congenita</a>. Most of her joints don't move from the tops of her shoulders to her fingertips.

 Check it out Here!


Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderfully imperfect but loving women out there!

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